
additionalAddresses: WalletAdditionalAddress[]Additional addresses associated to the wallet (e.g. ordinals and payment addresses for bitcoin wallets)
address: stringPublic address of the connected wallet
authenticated: booleanTrue if the user is authenticated, otherwise it’s false
chain: stringCurrent BlockChain name (e.g: ‘ETH’, ‘SOL’, ‘BTC’, etc)
connected: booleanWhether this wallet has been connected or not
connector: WalletConnectorSee WalletConnector object
id: stringThe wallet’s unique id (matches thw wallet verified credential on connect-anf-sign)
key: stringThe wallet key (e.g. metamask, phantom, etc)
network: string | numberThe network which the wallet is connected on (e.g: 1, 137, ‘mainnet’, etc)

network is deprecated. Use connector.getNetwork() instead.