
You can think of an embedded wallet like a powerful web-account. An embedded wallet is a programmable web3 crypto wallet that can be issued invisibly to customers on your website or app. Customers with an embedded wallet can immediately receive digital tokens and make on-chain interactions without needing to go through the complexities of understanding the intricacies of typical EOA wallets like Metamask or Phantom, or needing to download anything to start their journey.

Dynamic-powered embedded wallets can be used in a range of scenarios - from ways to ease onboarding on your websites to working as the base for building your own full stack wallet.

Non Custodial

Dynamic-powered embedded wallets are non-custodial, meaning they are always end-user owned and controlled. Only the end-user has ownership and access to their wallet private keys.

Dynamic leverages a combination of internal and third party services including trusted execution environments (TEEs, specifically AWS Nitro Enclaves), secure key management, advanced policy engines and iframes to limit potential security threats and ensure end user self-custody. All wallet private keys are encrypted and isolated such that neither Dynamic nor the Developer have access to the end user’s wallet private keys. End-user decryption activities are all performed in trusted execution environments and only run upon end-user activity requests.

In addition, all end users of Dynamic-powered embedded wallets can always export their wallet private key to take their assets into a different wallet provider or alternative storage location. Dynamic is also working to add additional features to limit potential connections between the end-user and Dynamic or Developer services. As an example, these may include:

  • Fallback back up support if Dynamic or your site is ever down
  • Allowing users to disassociate their embedded wallet data with the service.

Dynamic is SOC2 Type 2 compliant and hires an independent third parties to regularly conduct audits of our code, processes and systems. Dynamic also runs evergreen bug bounty programs.


Dynamic offers embedded wallets on EVM compatible networks and Solana. If you enable both, they will both be created at once and whichever you have marked as “primary” will be shown as the primary address in their profile upon sign in.

To enable embedded wallets for EVM or Solana networks the respective chains must also be enabled. You can find more information about enabling chains and networks here.

Seamless Signing

Flexible Signing Flows

Dynamic-powered embedded wallets let you define different security profiles for your users. You can choose between optional and mandatory MFA when signing transactions and messages. If you do enable transaction MFA, you can choose between one-time codes or passkeys.

Widgets or Headless SDK

You can build your embedded wallet experience using our UI components(default) or go headless with our SDK.

You also have the choice to either keep our default transaction confirmation modals or use your own, depending on your application’s needs.

Account Abstraction

You can turn these embedded wallets into smart contract wallets using our account abstraction feature. By doing so, you can sponsor your end-users’ fees, add complex approval logic, and much more.